Your Product in 3 Words

One of the biggest challenges clients I work with face is quickly describing or pitching their idea. The exercise I use to get them to simplify is to describe their product in three words. This can be difficult because most people want to over explain and get other people interested or excited as much as they are in their own company, product or idea. The reality is when telling people about your product most people are not going to be as excited as you are and most people don’t have the attention span to listen to you go on and on for 10 to 15 minutes.

And if you are in a situation where you’re pitching your product to investors, potential distribution or a wholesale market, you won’t get 5 minutes, let alone 10 minutes. Simplify and get it down to three words.

For example, if someone comes up to me and says, “Uber for Cats!” I get it, heck my cat Max will get it! Although, validity and growth potential will come to mind, you will get my attention and a chance for you to explain further.

Three words leads to a fifteen second elevator pitch, which subsequently leads to a 30 second pitch and then to a 3–5 minute pitch. This exact formula got my client and I to the finals at StartUp Fest — Montreal in 2016.

Describe your product in 3 words and grab the attention you want, the right attention you need.