Mid Year Pains

Next month is my birthday and for about 20 years now I’ve used my birthday as more of a mid year review. Where most people like to have a big party and celebrate I prefer to be alone go out to dinner with by myself, bring a notepad and write down all the things that I’ve accomplished up to that point and what am I looking forward to do for the rest of the year. I don’t do New Year’s resolutions. I find this system works much better for me. Not only has it helped me with my personal development but in the last few years it has helped me with my business development as well. It has helped me to identify my mid year pain points and get my mind working on what to do to solve them.

So, what are your pain points this year? What’s going on in your business? What’s going on with your product? What are you trying to solve? What’s keeping you up at night? I implore all of you to answer these questions and to think about your company’s/product’s midyear review.

I know right now most of you are starting to mentally check out because the weather is getting nicer, sun is out, summer is here and we’re already thinking about our vacations for July and August. So before you start checking out completely, start asking yourself and your team, “what do we need to do the second half of this year to improve our company/product? What pain points are we trying to solve?”

Don’t wait a second longer. Because soon enough it will be the fall season, then I’ll be winter, then I’ll be 2020.

By starting this process now doesn’t mean you have to come up with the answers right away, but at least you will start putting it into your subconscious that this is what you’re trying to fix or improve upon or streamline.

Perhaps when you’re sitting on the beach or by the pool or sipping on your favorite libation during your vacation, and you are enjoying yourself, the answer will come up.

And like that, the epiphany will lead to you solving your problem.